
Connect the LCD to your computer using a serial connection (e.g. USB). Then create a new picaso_lcd.Display instance, with the serial port as argument:

import picaso_lcd
disp = picaso_lcd.Display('/dev/ttyUSB0')

(If you’re using Windows, the port string would probably be something like COM3.)

The different functionality groups are provided in their own namespaces. For example the text related functions are grouped in disp.text, while the graphics related functions are grouped in disp.gfx. General purpose methods are not in a sub-namespace and can be accessed directly.


import picaso_lcd
disp = picaso_lcd.Display('/dev/ttyUSB0')

disp.text.put_string('Welcome\nThis is a nice library.')
disp.text.move_cursor(0, 7)

This will result in the following text being written on the display:

This is a nice library.

For more information, please refer to the API Docs.