Source code for picaso_lcd.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains different utility functions, e.g. for handling of binary
data or colors.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals

[docs]def int_to_dbyte(value): """Convert a single integer to a double byte: ``(high byte, low byte)``. The value (which must be < 2**16) is split up into a two-byte structure: (high byte, low byte). :param value: The value to be converted. :type value: int < 2**16 :returns: 2-Tuple with high byte and low byte. :raises: ValueError :rtype: (int, int) """ if value >= (1 << 16): raise ValueError('Value must be smaller than 2^16') if value < 0: raise ValueError('Value must be positive') return value >> 8, value & 0xFF
[docs]def dbyte_to_int(high_byte, low_byte): """Convert a double byte ``(high byte, low byte)`` to a single integer. If you're already dealing with a 2-tuple, you can simply convert it to an integer by using arg unpacking:: >>> dbyte = (0x1, 0x2) >>> dbyte_to_int(*dbyte) :param high_byte: The high byte. :type high_byte: int :param low_byte: The low byte. :type low_byte: int :returns: Single integer. :rtype: int """ # TODO input validation could be done using decorator if not high_byte < (1 << 8): raise ValueError('high_byte must be smaller than 2^8') if not low_byte < (1 << 8): raise ValueError('low_byte must be smaller than 2^8') if high_byte < 0 or low_byte < 0: raise ValueError('All arguments must be positive') return (high_byte << 8) | low_byte
[docs]def to_16bit_color(red, green, blue): """Convert rgb color to 16 bit color. Color scheme is 16bit (565). Greater values are truncated. :param red: The red value. Should be smaller than 32, larger values are truncated. :type red: int :param green: The green value. Should be smaller than 64, larger values are truncated. :type green: int :param blue: The blue value. Should be smaller than 32, larger values are truncated. :type blue: int :returns: 16 bit color value. :rtype: int """ return min(red, 31) << 11 | min(green, 63) << 5 | min(blue, 31)